Carbon emissions calculation tool

A tool to calculate carbon emissions for operational, construction and maintenance activities undertaken on behalf of National Highways.

Carbon emissions calculation tool

We’ve published our Net Zero Plans for 2030,2040 and 2050.  To meet the Net Zero Plan target for 2040 under maintenance and construction, we are dedicated to achieving the target set for Performance Indicator 4.5 which relates to reducing Supply Chain Carbon Emissions.

To achieve this, suppliers must report on the carbon associated with activities undertaken on behalf of National Highways by downloading a new version of our carbon tool  and completing it on a monthly (for Major Projects) or quarterly basis (for Operations & DBFOs) each time you are submitting a return.

On completion’ suppliers must generate an export file using the tool and send both the export file and the completed Carbon Tool, along with any queries, to

Area based contracts shall make appropriate arrangements to co-ordinate the receipt of carbon returns from subcontractors prior to submission.

The carbon tool guidance provides instruction on how to use the carbon tool. It is also important that users refer to the e-learning package.

View our Net Zero Highways Plan.
